Jika Anda mencari furnitur kayu jati yang mewah, indah, dan tahan lama, kunjungilah workshop kami hari ini !.. Temukan keajaiban kayu jati dalam setiap ruangan rumah Anda. Hubungi kami sekarang untuk mendapatkan penawaran eksklusif dan mulailah menghiasi ruang hidup Anda dengan furnitur kayu jati yang memukau hatiHUBUNGI KAMI DI : 08381023317 (WA)
I will write everything that is useful and works good for everyone here... I hope we can all benefit keep running and spirit guys
Friday, June 16, 2023
Jual Furniture Kayu Jati dan Terima Pesanan Sesuai Keinginan Anda
Jika Anda mencari furnitur kayu jati yang mewah, indah, dan tahan lama, kunjungilah workshop kami hari ini !.. Temukan keajaiban kayu jati dalam setiap ruangan rumah Anda. Hubungi kami sekarang untuk mendapatkan penawaran eksklusif dan mulailah menghiasi ruang hidup Anda dengan furnitur kayu jati yang memukau hatiHUBUNGI KAMI DI : 08381023317 (WA)
Sunday, October 2, 2022
How To Organize Your Google Ads with Google Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner can assist you in determining which key phrases to target with your business.
The process is straightforward: Use the keyword planner to look up words and phrases associated with your company. Then, it will provide information on those terms, such as how frequently people search for them.
Additionally, it will indicate how much you should bid on the phrase and how competitive various keywords are in google ads
From there, you'll be in a better position to decide how to proceed with your Google Ads campaign.
Starting out is easy.
1. Go to Keyword Planner
Click Go to Keyword Planner in the center of the Google Keyword Planner website.
2. Setup Your Account
Ensure that your Google Ads account is active. After doing so, select New Google Ads Account in the page's centre.
By selecting your nation, time zone, and currency on the following screen, you may verify that your company's information is correct. When everything is in order, press Submit.
3.Visit Google Keyword Planner
The Google Ads campaign dashboard will then appear. In the main menu, select Tools & Settings. Next, select Keyword Planner. Ensure that your Google account is active. After doing so, select New Google Ads Account in the page's centre.
After that, you'll be directed to the Google Keyword Planner. Use their Discover new keywords tool to uncover new keywords to target. With the help of this tool, you may look for pertinent keywords and create a list of potential new keyword targets.
After that, you'll be directed to the Google Keyword Planner. Use their Discover new keywords tool to uncover new keywords to target. With the help of this tool, you may look for pertinent keywords and create a list of potential new keyword targets.
Your list of keywords and the accompanying details about them will be provided to you when you click Get Results.
- average number of monthly users
- Competition
- Share of ad impressions
- page's top bid (low range)
- page's top bid (high range)
You'll see a list of further suggested keyword possibilities as well.
<script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-2769577205576473"
#GoogleAds #google_ads
Being Profit Maker
It has become a habit in the general public normally if life is patterned, such as having to take a proper education. The goal is to get the best position in a company or agency and have an established life and a respectable status in the community.
This may have been instilled in the family.
Is it wrong..? Nothing is wrong
Facts in the field are many people who already have education and jobs with fixed salaries but experience difficulties.
With a steady income they earn say $ 5,000 or up to $10,000 every month. This has not been able to meet needs such as buying a car, house, so to get it directly they are trapped in a debt cycle such as leasing or mortgages, KTA and so on. Is this a good thing?
people generally have a mindset or mindset to have a fixed income, it has become commonplace
How about changing the mindset to have a profit maker principle...?
Rich or poor it could be fate
but ...
Smart is a choice...
What is profit maker...????
Profit maker is not status or profession but..
Profit maker is a soul...
Where at any time generate profits, print profits wherever and whenever you are.
This is the basic concept of thinking to become a profit maker.
Not just an entrepreneur with the response that the entrepreneur must have a shop, while the company may have capital obtained from bank loans by means of mortgaging certificates. Or other results
Become a profit maker..
The capital that must be owned is to see from a small thing that can constantly be rotated and run to generate income without sacrificing big things.
The story of an honorary teacher with a fixed income of only $300.00 / month has been carried out for several years with the income definitely not enough to meet the needs of the house and family
Apart from being an honorary teacher.
He tried to make a profit by raising chickens.
To start this business requires capital and to obtain capital by mortgaging a certificate to the bank.
The problem is, this chicken farming business is not sure the profit.
Sometimes earning 1 million to 1.5 million, uncertain, sometimes the first month there are results, but the next month you get nothing it always happens that way. This is the story he told.
While loan deposits, business and living expenses continue to run. As time goes by, there is something called digging a hole and closing a hole to meet all these needs.
With this condition, he continues to be an honorary teacher in addition to his dedication to the world of education. There is hope that in the future he will be appointed as a permanent teacher or civil servant.
Here it is clear that what is being pursued is status, as is the case in society in general because it has become commonplace.
This story can happen to anyone with different conditions but the essence is the same.
A person is said to work definitely earns, because he is on a salary.
While people who do business do not necessarily get results.
By working the income should be sufficient. But if it's not enough, why should you keep working? How can you arrange life in such a way..?
That doesn't mean you have to quit the job
Is your time wasted on the job ..??
Time is more valuable than money
Because if your time is taken up there, it means you don't have the opportunity to go back to the past and start everything from scratch.
Don't waste time...
Start looking for benefits from what you have now
Like this honorary teacher, he has many relationships in the chicken farming business and is in a rural environment.
One of the complaints from chicken farmers is chicken manure.
Because so far it has only been thrown away and disturbed the surrounding community.
Don't know how and to whom to sell it.
The first idea was...
Who needs chicken manure..?
Of course, farmers or plantation businesses need chicken manure for fertilizer.
That means there are prospects here. How to implement the idea....?
By finding farmers and offering this chicken manure at a reasonable and competitive price.
Both ideas are...
With the relationship between chicken farmers, many honorary teachers offer services to clean chicken manure to farmers
Only then will he take it and sell it to the farmers or cultivators that he gets
The result is that from chicken farmers, this honorary teacher earns income and from farmers and plant growers they get good results as well.
Within 1 week this honorary teacher can earn up to $2 hundreds and it continues. These results are far from his income as an honorary teacher and his chickens.
From this story it can be concluded whether it is a Profit maker...?
Profit maker is printing money.. creating profit
Learn to see the opportunities that are around us. It's not a distant opportunity or... an opportunity that is offered to you all the time
In obtaining profits what is needed is not capital but opportunities and markets
Because in every business there is always an opportunity and its own market.
Constraints and risks must of course be considered
To become a profit maker, there is nothing else to think about. Don't think too much at first
The most important thing is that you don't have to always think that life has to be school, work, get married and then retire after that... death.
It doesn't have to be like that...
Life is dynamic
Don't always expect a steady income because the need continues to increase
Become a profit maker continuously increase revenue so that it is longer and more established.
#ProfitMaker #profit_maker
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Jamur Merang Kualitas Super
Hasil dari kebun kami sendiri..pastinya masih segar, sehat dan berkualitas bintang lima..
Cocok untuk vegetarian
Sekilas tentang Jamur Merang
Jamur adalah makanan sehat yang kaya akan berbagai nutrisi. Sesuai United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), jamur adalah sumber mineral dan vitamin yang meliputi kalium, fosfor, magnesium, natrium, vitamin C, niasin, riboflavin, tiamin, folat, dan vitamin D.
1. Kaya Selenium
Jamur menurut USDA adalah sumber selenium yang baik. Studi menunjukkan bahwa mineral selenium memiliki potensi antikanker, antioksidan, anti inflamasi dan dapat membantu mengurangi risiko kanker, penyakit jantung, penyakit tiroid, dan penurunan kognitif.
2. Turunkan Kolesterol
Jamur mengandung protein yang tinggi. Selain itu mengandung karbohidrat yang sangat rendah. Serat dan enzim tertentu di dalamnya juga membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol
3. Cegah Diabetes
Jamur merupakan makanan yang ideal untuk yang mengalami diabetes. Karena jamur rendah energi. Jamur tidak memiliki lemak, tanpa kolesterol, kadar karbohidrat yang sangat rendah, kandungan protein tinggi, dan banyak vitamin, serta mineral.
4. Tingkatkan Kesehatan Tulang
Jamur merupakan sumber kalsium yang kaya nutrisi penting dalam pembentukan dan penguatan tulang.
5. Tingkatkan Penyerapan Zat Besi
Tembaga memiliki sejumlah efek menguntungkan bagi tubuh dan dapat ditemukan pada jamur. Kekurangan tembaga dapat menyebabkan anemia dan neutropenia.
Tembaga mengatur dan merangsang penyerapan zat besi dari makanan. Jamur juga memiliki kadar zat besi yang tinggi. Sehingga tembaga dan jamur bekerja sama untuk tulang yang sehat dan mencegah anemia.
Bisa COD Bogor & Jakarta ( S & K berlaku )
Hp/ WA : 08381023317
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Wood Pellet Bahan Bakar Alternatif Primadona Pengganti Briket Batubara
Kelebihan Pellet Kayu (Wood Pellet)
Penggunaan pelet kayu sebagai bahan bakar alternatif pengganti bahan bakar fosil menghasilkan emisi lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan minyak tanah dan gas. Emisi CO2 dari pelet kayu sekitar sepuluh kali lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan batu bara dan bahan bakar minyak, serta delapan kali lebih rendah daripada gas.
Selain emisi CO2 yang dikeluarkan dari hasil pembakarannya rendah, juga berasal dari bahan baku terbarukan yang bersifat carbon neutral. Pelet kayu dapat disebut sebagai carbon neutral karena dianggap tidak menambah emisi CO2 ke atmosfer. Semasa pertumbuhan, pohon ini telah menyerap CO2 dengan jumlah yang diserap dapat lebih besar daripada yang dilepaskan, bahkan bisa menjadi karbon negatif. Jadi sisa pemvakaran boleh dibilang hampir tidak ada abunya
Wood Pellet sangat cocok sebagai bahan bakar di industri, jasa laundry dll
Sangat Ramah Lingkungan
Sehat & bersih 100% alami tanpa campuran bahan kimia
Anda yg berminat beli eceran atau jumlah besar silahkan hubungi saya
HP/WA : 08381023317
Harga bersahabat
full recycle and reusable things and good for living
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Wood Pellet (Pellet Kayu) Untuk Pasir Kucing - Cat Litter
Apa Itu Pelet Kayu (Wood Pellet)?
Pelet kayu merupakan hasil pengolahan dari limbah kayu atau kayu bulat menjadi serbuk yang dipadatkan sehingga berbentuk silindris. Ukuran diameternya 6-10 mm dan panjangnya 1-3 cm dengan kepadatan rata-rata 650 kg/m3 atau 1,5 m3/ton.
Pellet kayu banyak dipakai di Amerika dan Eropa sebagai sumber energi untuk pemanas ruangan pada musim dingin dan energi penghasil listrik (carbon for electricity), serta sebagai sumber energi di rumah tangga untuk keperluan memasak. Pelet kayu dapat menghasilkan rasio panas yang relatif tinggi antara output dan input-nya (19:1 hingga 20:1) dan energi sekitar 4,7kWh/kg.
Apa Kegunaan Pelet Kayu (Wood Pellet)?
Pelet kayu dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan bakar andalan untuk beragam keperluan seperti penghangat ruangan, kebutuhan bahan bakar industri hingga usaha pengeringan pada jasa laundry, dll.
Wood Pellet juga sangat baik digunakan untuk alas kandang/toilet hewan (animal bedding)
Kelebihan Pellet Kayu (wood pellet) sebagai Pasir Kucing (cat litter)
Pelet kayu akan menyerap cairan dan bau dalam waktu yang relatif sangat cepat.
Bau tetap terperangkap di dalam pelet yang menyerap cairan dan mengendalikan bau di sekitar litter box.
Penyerapan yang baik membuat membersihkan lebih mudah, menghemat waktu dan irit pemakaian.
Terbuat dari 100% kayu bersih alami, tidak ada bahan kimia tambahan, biodegradable, dan sisa pengunaan dapat digunakan sebagai kompos untuk tanaman.
Pasir kucing Wood Pellet (Pellet Kayu) - Cat Litter
- Lebih hemat, sehat & ramah lingkungan -
"Ecological compostable" Cat Litter merupakan produk pengganti pasir hewan yang dapat digunakan untuk beberapa jenis hewan peliharaan seperti burung, hamster, kelinci, dan kucing. Produk ini sangat ramah lingkungan dan aman untuk hewan serta tanaman.
Keunggulan Wood Pellet Cat Litter :
1. Menyerap cairan dan bau dalam waktu cepat
2. Menetralisir dan mengontrol bau
3. Pembersihan dilakukan dengan mudah
4. Terbuat dari 100% kayu bersih alami, tanpa zat kimia.
5. Sisa penggunaan (serbuk ampasnya) dapat digunakan untuk pupuk tanaman.
Cara penggunaan:
- Tuang pellet kayu ke dalam toilet hewan peliharaan Anda setinggi -/+ 5 cm. (Jangan dicampur dengan produk lain, agar hasil maksimal)
- Pellet yang terkena air kencing/kotoran dapat dipisahkan menggunakan sekop. Sisa pellet masih dapat digunakan dan tidak berbau
- Tambahkan pellet baru ke dalam toilet hewan peliharaan sebanyak yang dibuang. Sekali dalam sebulan, bersihkan toilet hewan secara menyeluruh.
Harga :
Kemasan 1 kg (repack) Rp. 7500
Kemasan 2 kg Rp. 14000
Kemasan 5 kg Rp. 35000
Harga di luar ongkir
Cod hanya di area
Bogor & Jakarta (s & k berlaku)
Untuk info pembelian, dropship dan reseller
Silahkan Hub HP/WA : 08381023317
Salam petlovers
Video Testimoni & Penggunaan Wood Pellet